• Kris Herbert


    My dream has always been to build a gym for myself. A gym where at 16 years old I could have trained on the best equipment and worked with the best coaches available. If I had that place, a place that offered every advantage possible, how far could I have gone? Well, I never gave up on my dream and I never settled. It has been a long journey and after many years I have achieved my goal.

    The Gym Venice is the place where at 16 I could have began a career that had not limitations. The Gym Venice has the atmosphere needed to excite and motivate everyone to strive for something greater. I filled it with state of the art equipment that offers the most efficient and effective training possible, and provided skilled and passionate coaches ready and dedicated to share their skill sets.

    The Gym Venice is my dream in reality and the doors are open to anyone who is ready to walk through

  • Darien Harris


    You can fail at doing the things you don’t want; so you might as do what you love.” The words that motivate and inspire, Coach D.

    Darien is a NFPT Certified Trainer with over 7 years coaching athletes, kids, and more. Coach D has a background in Martial Arts and competitive sports.

    His goal is to see everyone one achieve their potential with hard work and consistency…and also deadlift correctly.

  • Shannon Herbert


    The lesson I learned from the pandemic is that we need to build strong, resilient, communities. If we want our communities to be strong, individuals need to develop and cultivate their own strengths. I teach our free Women’s Strength Training Class because even though women are incredibly strong, we don’t live in a culture that fosters that strength. In our class, I demonstrate how to use the equipment effectively and efficiently. The goal is to make the gym a comfortable, safe place where everyone can learn to push against their limits.

  • Connor Tribole


    6'2 on Tinder, 5'9 in person. Primarily a middle distance runner, Connor has trained in every sport from MMA to Swimming. Brought up by a family of Olympic coaches and high level runners Connor is able to take those elite level training principles and apply them to any level. Whether you're coming to the gym for the first time or looking to excel in your sport Connor will make sure you leave feeling confident and , most importantly, that you had fun.

  • Jamal Lazarus


  • Amir Hesam Jannat, MT


    Growing up my father was an international airline pilot and the long hours flying were very difficult on his body. He worked extremely hard to give my family a better life and suffered with constant pain. To ease the strain on his body I began to study body mechanics and pain management. When my father was home I would work on his body to ease his pain and quickly fell in love with the peace in his eyes when he would feel relief.

    I choose a career in physical therapy so I could help other people through their pain and suffering. I took a position with the Iranian Olympic Weightlifting Team and worked directly with the athletes allowing them to train continuously at an olympic level avoiding injury.

    I moved to the States and continue working with people to ease the pain from the wear and tear on their bodies. I look forward to helping you live a pain free life.